2017_疏伐對人倫林道台灣杉(Taiwania cryptomerioides) 人工林及鄰近天然林哺乳類與鳥類多樣性之影響_陳柏錞
題目:疏伐對人倫林道台灣杉(Taiwania cryptomerioides) 人工林及鄰近天然林哺乳類與鳥類多樣性之影響
Title:Effects of Thinning on Mammal and Bird Diversity of a Taiwania (Taiwania cryptomerioides) Plantation and Adjacent Natural Forest in Renlun Forest Road
台灣的森林約有42萬ha為人工林,占總森林地面積21%。疏伐(thinning)為人工林永續經營中常見的撫育作業,了解人林疏伐作業對於野生動物的影響,可作為人工林經營管理的重要參考。本研究自2015年9月至2017年6月於南投林區管理處巒大事業區第89與90林班,探討42年生台灣杉人工林中度疏伐對哺乳類與鳥類的影響,並比較疏伐前人工林與鄰近天然林哺乳類與鳥類多樣性的差異。地面活動的哺乳類及鳥類以紅外線自動相機(camera traps)進行調查,蝙蝠相對豐富度利用回聲定位超音波偵測器(ANABAT system)進行調查,鳥類則以定點計數調查法(point count)進行。本研究共記錄到非翼手目哺乳動物10科16種,翼手目3科至少11種,與鳥類19科34種。天然林陸域哺乳類的物種數、有效照片數以及鳥類的物種數與多樣性指數都高於台灣杉人工林;疏伐前山羌(Muntiacus reevesi)與台灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis)在天然林的出現頻度指數(Occurrence Index)高於人工林。本研究樣區在疏伐後1年內對哺乳類及鳥類造成的負面影響不大,僅對哺乳類的黃鼠狼(Mustela sibirica taivana)、台灣獼猴與鼠科鼠類及鳥類的藍腹鷴(Lophura swinhoii)與黃痣藪眉(Liocichla steerii)有顯著的負面影響。疏伐後蝙蝠整夜活動隻次略高於疏伐前,主要為翼形較寬短且飛翼承載較小的蝙蝠有正面的反應,推測疏伐降低蝙蝠飛行時的物理障礙,有助於偏好在人工林下覓食的蝙蝠的活動。
The forest plantation area in Taiwan is about 420,000 ha, which accounts for about 21% of the total forest area. Thinning is a common practice in forest sustainable management. Understanding the effects of thinning on biodiversity can provide important information for management strategy. I investigated the effects of thinning on mammals and birds in a 42-year-old Taiwania cryptomerioides plantation from September 2015 to June 2017, and compared the community composition and diversity of terrestrial mammals and birds between a Taiwania cryptomerioides forest plantation and a natural forest in Renlun Forest road, Nantou County, Taiwan. Camera traps and bat echolocation ultrasound detectors were used to investigate mammals and ground-living birds. Birds were investigated using point count method. A total of 16 non-flying terrestrial mammalian species, at least 11 bat species, and 34 bird species were found during the study period. The results show that before thinning the occurrence index of Macaca cyclopis and Muntiacus reevesi were significantly higher in the natural forest than that in the forest plantation. The number of species and occurrence index of terrestrial mammals in natural forests were higher than in the forest plantations; the number of bird species and diversity index were also higher in natural forests. In this study, there was a slightly short-term (1 year) negative effect on mammals and birds, only golden weasel (Mustela sibirica taivana), Macaca cyclopis, ground rodent, Steere's Liocichla (Liocichla steerii) and Swinhoe's Pheasant (Lophura swinhoii) showed a reduced occurrence index 1 year after thinning. After the thinning, all night bat activities were marginally higher than that before the thinning. Bats with relatively low wing aspect ratio and wing loading had positive responses to the thinning. It is suggested that thinning reduced the physical obstruction when the bats were flying and benefited to the bats that prefer foraging under the artificial forest.