



Title:King of Harems: Who Is the Baby''s Father Mating System and Kinship of the Formosan Leaf-nosed Bat, Hippoideros armiger terasensis (Chiroptera, Hipposideridae)

臺灣葉鼻蝠 ( Hipposideros armiger terasensis ) 是臺灣體型最大的食蟲性蝙蝠,他們會隨不同季節遷移至夏季棲所與冬季棲所。生殖群集(maternity colony)是夏季棲所的類型之一,此類群集是由懷孕雌蝠與其子代組成,但其中參雜少數成體雄蝠。冬天時所有蝙蝠會離開夏季棲所前往冬季棲所渡冬。以往研究提出生殖群集中雌蝠為雄蝠妻妾群 ( harems ) 的假說。為了測試這個假說,本研究調查4個位於臺灣中部地區的生殖群集,利用9組微衛星體基因座進行各生殖群集內蝙蝠個體間的親子鑑定。實驗結果鑑別出72個仔蝠具有24個父系半胞關係 ( paternal half-sib relationship ) ,其中17隻仔蝠的基因型可與四隻2010年在生殖群集中的成年雄蝠配對。此外四十三個成年雌蝠具有於20個母系半胞關係( maternal half-sib relationship) 。實驗結果,支持雄蝠是為了交配才加入生殖群集假說,婚配制度是屬於季節性妻妾群關係。成年雌蝠由具有母系半胞關係成員組成母系家族,多個母系家族再組成一個生殖群集。

The Formosan leaf-nosed bat, Hipposideros armiger terasensis is the largest entomophagous species in Taiwan, which migrates seasonally between summer and winter roosts. Maternity colonies are one form of the summer roosts that consists of pregnant females and their pups, but a few adult males can also be found in the colonies and all bats would leave the roosts in winter. I want to test previous hypotheses that these adult males in maternity colonies would be the mates for the females, and therefore, should contribute to genotypes of next season’s newborns. I used 9 microsatellite loci to discriminate parentage in four maternity colonies in central Taiwan. F-statistics over all loci at three maternity colonies suggest the species fits the outcrossing model (Fis = -0.02834). I genotyped 72 pups over two year and identified 24 paternal half-sib relationships in 53 young bats, among which 17 pups from 2011 were matched to 4 adult males formd in the maternity colonies in 2010. I also reconstructed the maternal half-sib relationships of adult females at each matenrity colony and 20 maternal half-sib relationships were identified in 43 females. Based on the results, H. armiger terasensis has the harem mating system and related females tend to return to the same maternity colony to mate.
