Title:Reproductive Ecology of Bats in Taiwan
同時,本研究針對上述採樣之個體,進行生殖賀爾蒙濃度季節性變化之研究,對雌蝠選定黃體激素,雄蝠為睪固酮,抽取血液中之血清,進行每月的濃度測定探討整年之變化與調控情形,並比較不冬眠的台灣洞穴蝙蝠種類與溫帶地區相同之生殖延遲型式下是否有不同變化情形。台灣葉鼻蝠之雄蝠體內睪固酮濃度變化與生精作用相一致,從5月的最低值(2.0 ng/ml)開始上升至8月的最高峰(54.3±4.7 ng/ml)後下降。雌蝠之黃體激素變化亦與胚胎延遲、發育與生產時間相互配合,從2月的7.8±3.6 ng/ml至4月達最高峰(27.2±6.8 ng/ml),而在生產過後的6月降至最低值,亦與停滯胚胎再發育(3至5月)與生產時間(5至6月)互相一致。屬於延遲胚胎著床的摺翅蝠,雄蝠體內睪固酮濃度變化從6月的極低值(24.5±7.9 ng/ml)開始上升至10月達最高峰(753.2±195.0 ng/ml)與生精現象時間(7月開始)互相對應,隨後下降至12月的極低值39.4±39.0 ng/ml,而在2月又上升至274.6±180.4 ng/ml,之後再降至最低的22.8±12.2 ng/ml。在雌蝠黃體激素的濃度變化從3至5月逐漸升高,4月達高峰69.5 ng/ml,而5月記錄到之個體濃度最高為93.5 ng/ml,6月明顯降至最低值(1.2±0.3 ng/ml),一直到10月維持一極低水平,11月稍微上升後12月又下降,2月再度微幅上升(27.2±6.8 ng/ml)。若同時亦對映中部地區的族群,摺翅蝠之黃體激素濃度變化在11月排卵與受精,2、3月之後胚胎快速發育,而在5至生產過後的6月降至最低值,亦與胚胎延遲著床期(11至2月)與生產時間(5至6月)互相一致。台灣葉鼻蝠和溫帶地區會進行冬眠的物種或族群之生殖延遲的現象相比較,其相同的生殖型式中,生殖激素的調控與變化呈現大致相同的狀況。而台灣南部之摺翅蝠與中部的族群亦大致相似,並且在生殖週期的生殖激素調控上,似乎沒有如日本的族群,具有胚胎著床後的另一個延遲發育期。
This dissertation included three parts: (1) histological study of reproductive cycle of cave-dwelling bats, (2) seasonal changes in reproductive hormones of cave-dwelling bats, and (3) reproductive phenology of forest bats.
The histology study of reproductive cycle of Hipposideros terasensis in central Taiwan and Miniopterus schreibersii in southern Taiwan were investigated from March 2006 to February 2007. Comparison of the difference between years of former study in 1998 (H. terasensis) and different population in 2000 (M. schreibersii) were made. No difference was showed in H. terasensis. In males, spermatogenesis began in May, and lasted to August and September. Sperm appeared in ductus epidydimidis from June to September. In females, a single large corpus luteum was observed in the ovaries in February and March. Graafian follicle was seen in August followed by a single large corpus luteum and atretic follicles in September. According to the results, it was possible to determine that ovulation and fertilization occurred between August and September. Gastrula was observed in the uterus in February whereas primitive streak stage to fetal formation occurred from March to April. It belongs to the strategy of delayed embryonic development.
Spermatogenesis of M. schreibersii in southern Taiwan began in September that was the same period with central population in different year. Ductus epidydimidis was full of sperm at the same time and there was still some remained in February. In females, a single large corpus luteum was observed in May. Developing follicles appeared in July and Graafian follicle was seen in late September. Gastrula was observed in the uterus in January and February whereas fetal was formed by April. All bats were in the end of lactation by late June. There was no obvious change in the uterus till September. According to the results, it was possible to determine that ovulation and fertilization occurred after late September. Lacking of the data after October, we compare the reproductive events with central population and it showed the same periodic results in substance. Only that a male bat in March showed spermatogenesis as well as sperm was seen in the ductus epidydimidis. Further study was needed to clarify the phenomenon an exception or transition stage in southern population resulted by lower latitude.
To obtain monthly change of the concentration of reproductive hormones( testosterone of males and progesterone of females) we used the same specimen of the histological study and serum concentrations of hormones were measured by ELISA(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). In male bats of H. terasensis, concentrations of testosterone increased from baseline to peak (54.3 ± 4.7 ng/ml) in August, corresponding with spermatogenesis. For female bats, concentrations of progesterone increased to peak levels (27.2 ± 6.8 ng/ml) between February and April, before declining back to baseline after birth in June. Increase and decline coincided, respectively, with resumption of embryo development (March to May) and birth (May to June).
In male bats of M. schreibersii that showed delayed implantation, concentrations of testosterone increased from baseline(24.5 ± 7.9 ng/ml) to peak (753.2 ± 195.0 ng/ml) in October, corresponding with spermatogenesis (began in July) and declined to baseline(39.4 ± 39.0 ng/ml) in December. For female bats, concentrations of progesterone increased from March to May and peak at April (69.5 ng/ml) then declining back to baseline(1.2 ± 0.3 ng/ml) after birth in June. Slightly increased in November then declined again in December and increased to 27.2 ± 6.8 ng/ml in February. Increase and decline coincided, respectively, with resumption of embryo development (November to Februsry) and birth (May to June).
Compared to other hibernating species or species with similar reproductive patterns, H. terasensis had similar reproductive quiescence and changes and regulation of reproductive hormones. According to the changes and regulation of reproductive hormones of M. schreibersii in Taiwan, it seemed that it didn’t have post-implantation delay such as Japanese population.
To study the reproductive phenology of forest bats in higher mountains of Taiwan we carried out a long-term investigation in Syuejian area(Tai-ann Township, Miaoli County) located in an elevation of 1900m from January 2008 to December 2011. We surveyed all the species of the place by two harp traps and using mark-recaptured method. Totally 888 captures of 22 species from 3 families were recorded. The most dominant species was Plecotus taivanus, Murina puta and Myotis latirostris. There were at least 8 species of bats showed breeding activity in study area. From the 4-year data, testis of most male bats began to swell in June and regressed after November. The epididymis became obviously and swollen in October and regressed after March. It was suggested that spermatogenesis took place from May to July and ended in November whereas sperm stored in epididymis from October to next February. The earliest record of pregnant female was recorded in March with lactation period in June. Young bats of the year were captured continually from June to September and no reproductive activity was recorded after September. Sexual maturity was more than 13 months in 9 species of male bats and 2 species of female bats. Forest bat species in the higher mountains in central Taiwan showed seasonal monestry pattern and at least 6 species of bats belonged to the reproductive strategy of delayed fertilization(sperm storage).