Title:Bat-survey Applied on Ecotourism--A Case Study of Moon Cave Recreation Area
本研究以花蓮縣豐濱鄉月洞遊憩區為樣區,進行蝙蝠相調查及遊客問卷調查,旨在瞭解月洞遊憩蝙蝠相現況以及造訪月洞遊憩區遊客特質。每兩週進行一次蝙蝠相調查,並測量月洞遊憩區內的溫度及濕度環境因子。為探討遊客環境態度及旅遊滿意度,採隨機取樣,向造訪月洞遊憩區的遊客發放問卷,取有效問卷332 份。問卷調查資料以SPSS 18.0 版進行統計分析,其中遊客基本資料採描述性統分析,結果以次數分配表表示;環境態度與旅遊滿意度則利用因素分析法分析問項;再利用單因子變異數分析遊客基本資料與環境態度及旅遊滿意度相互間的差異。
研究結果發現:(1)臺灣葉鼻蝠、摺翅蝠及臺灣小蹄鼻蝠終年使用月洞做為棲所,其中臺灣葉鼻蝠族群數量與其生活週期息息相關,族群數量最高峰可達1400 隻;摺翅蝠及臺灣小蹄鼻蝠數量則呈現不規則變化。無尾葉鼻蝠則只在秋冬春三季出現,顯示月洞遊憩區為無尾葉鼻蝠重要的渡冬棲所。(2)遊客基本資料方面:在13-40 歲的受訪者佔總受訪者的78%、88%的受訪者教育程度在高中職以上、35%的受訪者由朋友介紹而得知月洞遊憩區的訊息、86%的受訪者為第一次來訪。(3)旅遊動機方面:受訪者至月洞遊憩區的主要動機為想要欣賞自然景觀以及想要增加有關蝙蝠的生態知識,具有放鬆與學習的動機。(4)環境態度方面:結果顯示受訪者已開始關注環境議題,體認到環境危機,注意到人們與整個環境的關係以及人在其中所扮演的角色。但在永續發展及資源閞發這兩個面向,受訪者較缺乏具體作為。(5)旅遊滿意度方面:受訪者普遍認為進洞時間過短,對有關蝙蝠生態及月洞遊憩區本身歷史的解說有意猶未盡之感。同時月洞遊憩區的解說牌過少,缺乏自我學習機會,對其他硬體設施則沒有特別需求。研究結果所得供遊客資訊可供經營管理之參考。
The purpose of this research in recreation area Moon Cave is to investigate the bat resource and questionnaires. Every two weeks to conduct a bat survey of resources, and measure the hole recreation area on the temperature and humidity factors. To explore the environmental attitude of tourists and tourist satisfaction, Moon Cave to visit tourist recreation area questionnaires, 332 valid questionnaires were finally. Using SPSS 18.0 to analys the statistic data, including basic information on visitors to adopt descriptive systems analysis, frequency distribution table shows the results; environmental attitudes and tourist satisfaction is analyzed using factor analysis to ask information key; re-use of single-factor analysis of variance tourists basic information and environmental attitudes and tourism difference between satisfaction.
The tesults showed: (1) Formosan leaf-nosed bat, Japanese long-winged bat, Formosan lesser horseshoe bat use the cave as a habitat whole year. The number of Formosan leaf-nosed bat populations and their life cycle is closely, which can up to 1500; while the number of Japanese long-winged bat and Formosan lesser horseshoe bat is irregular changes. Tailless leaf-nosed bat only appears during autumn, winter and spring, displaying the Moon Cave Recreation Area a wintering habitat for Tailless leaf-nosed bat. (2) Visitors basic information: the respondents are concentrated in the age 13-40 years of age, education level above high school level, knowing the from their friends, and the first time visiters. (3) Tourism motivation: touris’s main motivation are wishing to enjoy the natural landscape and increase knowledge about bat ecology, with relaxation and learning. (4) Environmental attitydes: the results show that respondents are concerned about environmental issues, realizing the environmental crisis, and noting the relationship between people and environment. (5) Tourism satisfaction: respondents generally believe that the tour is too short, and want to know more about bat ecology and history of the Moon Cave Recreation Area. Meanwhile, there are no explanatory signs in the whole area, lacking of self-learning opportunities, for other hardware facilities are not special needs. Based on the findings can provide tourisits and business management attitude reference.