



Title:The preliminary study of host-ectoparasite relationship between Japanese long-winged bat(Miniopterus schreibersii)and bat-flies in Di-Li area, Nanto

本研究針對南投縣地利地區的摺翅蝠 (Miniopterus schreibersii) 群集進行為期一年的研究,除確立所寄生之蝠蠅種類外,並檢驗宿主特性對寄生蟲的豐富度之影響情形,以期建立摺翅蝠與蝠蠅之間寄生關係的基礎生態學資料。由2007年9月至2008年9月共採樣了630隻摺翅蝠,從身上共採集到2874隻蝠蠅,經鑑定後這些蝠蠅皆隸屬於蛛蠅科 (Nycteribiidae),共二屬,其中屬於毛刷蛛蠅屬的有姜宜蛛蠅 (Pencillidia jenynsii)一種(344隻),而蛛蠅屬共三種分別為短鋏蛛蠅 (Nycteribia parvula) 1457隻、長鋏蛛蠅 (N. allotopa mikado) 1042隻以及福懋蛛蠅 (N. formosana) 雄蟲1隻。結果顯示:此洞穴並非摺翅蝠主要渡冬棲所,2008年5月份摺翅蝠出現生殖分群,且同年 6、7月有明顯的遷離現象;除了福懋蛛蠅 (N. formosana) 之外,其他3種類蛛蠅的流行率 (prevalence) 、平均豐富度 (mean abundance) 以及感染強度 (mean intensity) 分別為:姜宜蛛蠅 (30.63%, 0.54 ± 1.03, 1.66 ± 1.18)、短鋏蛛蠅 (75.63%, 2.50 ± 2.75, 3.33 ± 2.70) 以及長鋏蛛蠅 (76.32%, 1.69 ± 1.65, 2.21 ± 1.55),其中以短鋏蛛蠅族群的感染豐富度為最高,姜宜蛛蠅最低。蝙蝠特性(體重與性別)對蝠蠅豐富度的影響情形,僅有短鋏蛛蠅的豐富度在較輕、較重二類群宿主間出現差異,但3種類蛛蠅在宿主性別間皆無顯著性差異。整年度的資料顯示,三種蛛蠅物種的性別比符合1:1的比例,而三種類蛛蠅每月都有懷孕雌蟲出現,因此這個洞穴內摺翅蝠所感染的蛛蠅上個冬天仍維持生殖之活動。

The investigation of ectoparasite batfly on Miniopterus schreibersii and effect of the host characteristics on the ectoparasite batfly abundance were studied from a cave in Di-Li area, Nanto County, Taiwan. By one-night sampling monthly from September 2007 to September 2008, 2874 batflies individuals were obtained from 630 Miniopterus schreibersii. There are 4 species of ectoparasite batfly, Pencillidia jenynsii, Nycteribia parvula, Nycteribia allotopa mikado and Nycteribia formosania. All of them belong to Nycteribiidae. The data shows that the cave is not the winter roosting site of Miniopterus schreibersii. The pregnant and nursing bats moved out the cave in May, 2008 while male bats and non-gravid female bat moved out the cave in June and July, 2008. Besides N. formosana, the prevalence, mean abundance and mean intensity of the three other batfly species are demonstrated respectively: Pencillidia jenynsii (30.63%, 0.54±1.03, 1.66±1.18), Nycteribia parvula (75.63%, 2.50 ± 2.75, 3.33 ± 2.70), and Nycteribia allotopa mikado (76.32%, 1.69 ± 1.65, 2.21 ± 1.55). Infestation abundance of Nycteribia parvula is the highest while Pencillidia jenynsii the lowest. The result of batfly abundance-host characteristics (sex and weight) study shows that only the abundance of Nycteribia parvula is significantly relevant to weight of the host. The sexual ratio of the three batfly species shows no sex-bias. Gravid flies were found every month. Therefore, bat-flies remain reproductively active on M. schreibersii in this cave during the winter.
